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Jira Global Permissions Page

This page lets you Configure Global App Permissions for View26.

Only Jira Administrators have access to VIEW26 by default. If you would like to extend permissions to other groups, configure the VIEW26 permission (available under Jira's Global Permissions) accordingly.

Log in as a Jira Administrator

There are 2 ways to get to this page .

A) Refer Settings for Administrators page to get here from the Home page >Apps> Manage Your Apps Page
B) Or you could get to the Global Permissions Page from the Settings icon on the top right of the Home Page. Scroll down to Point 5 to understand how to navigate.

Once you are in the Global Permissions Page ;

1 Scroll down to the bottom of the page to Access View26 Charts and Reports for Jira Service Management section

2. Select a Permission you wish to grant and Select a Group. You can add permission for multiple groups.

3. Click on Add

4. The Permissions and Groups would appear on the right

Another way to get to the Global Permissions Page would be by:

5. Clicking on the Settings icon on the top right of the page

6. Click on System under the Settings section

7. Click on the Global permissions in the menubar on the left

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