16. Settings for Administrators
Administrators can :
b) Update Permissions for User or Groups on Jira Global Permissions Page ,
c) and Configure Branding Customization. - Logo, default number of rows to display on one page, Internationalization , Color Palette
To find the VIEW26 Configuration in Jira:
1. Login as an Administrator ( App Configuration is only accessible to Admins)
2. On the top Menubar , click on Apps
3. Click Manage Your Apps

4. The Manage App Page gets Loaded
5. On the left Menubar , click on Settings to get to the View26 Setting Page
6. On the settings page you can click on Permissions to get to the Configure Permissions
7. Click on Customization for Branding Customization
8. Click on Jira Global Permissions Page link provided in Access Groups for View26 to open up the Global System Permissions Page