How to use JQL queries as Dashboard filters?
We are excited to announce that the VIEW app now supports limited JQL (Jira Query Language) queries in VIEW filters. This BETA feature allows users to use JQL statements for quick filtering of the data displayed in the VIEW.
How to Use Limited JQL in VIEW Global Filters
To utilize limited JQL queries in VIEW global filters, follow these steps:
Navigate to VIEW
Go to the desired VIEW and select advanced in the filter panel
Enter Your JQL Query:
Type your JQL query into the input field. For example:
project = "VIEW26" AND issuetype = "Bug" AND status = "Open"
Apply the Filter:
Click on the "Apply " button to execute the JQL query and update the displayed data.
JQL Queries
While we aim to support a wide range of JQL queries, there are currently some limitations. Below is a list of supported and unsupported JQL functionalities:
Supported JQL Queries:
Basic field searches (e.g.,
project = "VIEW26"
)Status searches (e.g.,
status = "Open"
)Issue type searches (e.g.,
issuetype = "Bug"
)Assignee searches (e.g.,
assignee = "john.doe"
Unsupported JQL Queries:
Advanced JQL functions (e.g.,
)Historical searches (e.g.,
status was "In Progress"
)Custom fields not indexed for JQL (e.g., certain add-on custom fields)
Subqueries (e.g., nested queries with parentheses)
Text searches with wildcards (e.g.,
summary ~ "test*"
)Advanced JQL operators ( e.g WAS, WAS IN, WAS NOT IN, WAS NOT, CHANGED)
Examples of JQL Queries
Here are a few examples of how you can use JQL queries in VIEW global filters:
All open bugs in the VIEW26 project:
project = "VIEW26" AND issuetype = "Bug" AND status = "Open"
Issues assigned to a specific user:
assignee = "john.doe"
Tasks in a specific sprint:
sprint = "Sprint 10" AND issuetype = "Task"
If you encounter any issues while using JQL queries in VIEW global filters, please contact our support team at